Apples - the Ultimate Lunchbox Hero

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Apples are more than just a fruit to keep the doctor away; they're a versatile, delicious, and nutritious snack perfect for school lunchboxes.

With an array of varieties from the humble Granny Smith to Gala and all those in-between, they are a hero to lunchboxes all over.


To maximise the impact of apples in your children's lunchbox - try these recipe ideas:

  • Apple Sandwiches: Core an apple of your choice and slice it horizontally to create round 'bread' slices. Layer with turkey and cheese for a crisp, refreshing sandwich alternative.

  • Granny Smith Apple Coleslaw: Incorporate thinly sliced Granny Smith apples into coleslaw for added tartness and crunch.

  • homemade apple sauce: peel, core and chop your choice of apples. Cook with your choice of flavourings, try vanilla or honey and cinnamon for a simple homemade treat. 

  • Mini Apple Muffins: Bake bite-sized muffins with chunks of apples for a sweet snack that's easy to share and eat.

  • Apple Pie Bites: Wrap pieces of Gala apples with pie crust, sprinkle with a touch of sugar and cinnamon, and bake for a delicious treat reminiscent of apple pie.


Or if your children prefer fresh fruit, try our tips to ensure apples stay super fresh in lunchboxes:

  • Prevent Browning with Lemon Juice: After slicing the apples, dip them in a mixture of water and a few drops of lemon juice. The citric acid in the lemon juice helps prevent the apple slices from browning. Lemonade can also work the same way.

  • Wrap Slices Tightly: If you've cut the apples into slices or wedges, wrap them tightly back into their original apple shape using cling film. This not only helps in keeping the slices together but also reduces their exposure to air, slowing down oxidation.

  • Use Rubber Bands: For a quick and easy method, cut the apple as you would for slices but leave the pieces slightly attached at the base. Then, use a rubber band to hold the apple together. This method keeps the slices from browning because they are minimally exposed to air.


Don't forget the importance of storing apples to maintain freshness. Storing apples in your fridge can extend their freshness and taste. Ideally use the crisper drawer and allow for circulation of air. A higher level of humidity will help them retain their crispness.

Select your favourite varieties in the fresh produce section of your local FoodWorks today.

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