Seafood in Garlic Sauce

This one-pot-wonder is the perfect recipe for when you need to get food on the table fast or impress guests!

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15 mins
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10 mins
Seafood in garlic Sauce.jpeg


  1. Melt garlic butter spread in a large deep saucepan over high heat.
  2. Add the mussels, prawns and wine or stock. Cover and cook, shaking the pan for 8-10 minutes or until mussels are open and prawns are tender. Discard unopened mussels.
  3. Use tongs to transfer the mussels and prawns to a deep serving dish.
  4. Stir the herb blend into the juices in the pan. Season with pepper and pour over the seafood.
  5. Serve with pasta or rice and a thick slice of bread


  • 2 tablespoons garlic butter spread
  • 1.5kg black mussels, scrubbed, debearded
  • 750g prawns, peeled leaving tails intact, deveined
  • 250ml (1 cup) white wine or fish stock
  • 1 tablespoon Gourmet Garden Mediterranean Herb & Spice blend
  • 530g loaf rye & seeds sourdough bread
Seafood in garlic Sauce.jpeg

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