Potato and Leek Soup with Tumeric and Parsley

A flavourful soup loaded with fresh veggies

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10 mins
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30 mins
Potato and Leek Soup.jpg


  1. Add a splash of oil to a heavy based pot
  2. Sweat the leek and garlic until soft, then pour in stock
  3. Add tumeric and potatoes and simmer until potatoes are soft throughout
  4. Use a hand held blender to blend soup until smooth
  5. Divide amongst 4 bowls
  6. Garnish with fresh parsley.
  7. Serve with crusty bread.


  • Splash of olive oil
  • 4 large potatoes, peeled and roughly chopped
  • 1 leek, roughly chopped
  • 1 garlic clove, finely diced
  • Pinch tumeric
  • Handful fresh parsley to serve
  • 1L chicken or vegetable stock
  • Optional bacon and spring onions to serve
Potato and Leek Soup.jpg

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