Haloumi & Smashed Avocado Tacos

A delicious Mexican inspired dinner perfect for entertaining

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15 mins
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10 mins


1.       Using a bowl, mash the avocado with a fork. Stir through the lime juice and season with salt. Cover the surface of the avocado (to stop it browning) until ready to serve.

2.       Put the yoghurt in a small serving bowl and stir through the sriracha.

3.       Place the corn on the cob standing up on a chopping board and slice downwards to remove all the kernels. Heat a large, frying pan over a medium heat until hot, then add corn. Cook without stirring for 1-2 minutes until each side is charred. Place into a serving tray, drizzle with lime juice.

4.       Clean the pan and add haloumi slices in one layer. Cook for 1 minute or until browned on one side, then turn and cook the other side.

5.       Lightly grill the tortillas in a frying pan just before serving.

6.       Load the warm tortillas with the avocado, corn, haloumi, sriracha yoghurt, coriander and squeeze lime wedges over to taste.


  • 180g Lemnos Haloumi Cut into slices
  • 2 large avocados, cut into halves
  • 8 mini tortilla wraps
  • 60g tamar valley Greek style yoghurt
  • 2 corn on the cobs
  • 30g sriracha chilli sauce
  • A bunch of fresh coriander, chopped, to serve

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