Overnight Weetbix with Mixed Berries

Your easy solution to a no-fuss, healthy breakfast! Just grab and go - great for those with busy schedules

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5 mins
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10 mins
Overnight weetbix with berries.JPG


  1. Crush Weetbix into container, add milk and smooth with spoon then set aside.
  2. Add yoghurt and honey to a bowl and mix together. Spoon yoghurt on top of Weetbix and set aside.
  3. Add berries to a small saucepan and heat on low until berries turn into a syrup approx. 10 mins - stirring occasionally. Set aside to cool slightly.
  4. Once cooled, add berry syrup on top of yoghurt layer, swirl with spoon, add extra frozen berries if desire. Cover container with lid and refrigerate overnight.

Recipe courtesy of Australian Frozen Fruits.


  • 2 Weetbix
  • 1/4 cup milk (or more if needed)
  • 1/2 cup Greek yoghurt
  • 2 tbls honey
  • 1 cup Aussie Frozen Fruit Mixed Berries
Overnight weetbix with berries.JPG

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