Bacon and Beans Breakfast

The ultimate camping brekkie

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15 mins
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20 mins
Bacon and Beans Breakfast.png


  1. Heat a large frying pan. Once hot, add the bacon slices and cook until crispy, turning occasionally. Remove the bacon from the frying pan, set aside on a paper towel to drain.
  2. In the same frying pan with the bacon grease, add the sliced mushrooms and cook for 2-3 minutes until they start to brown. Add the cherry tomatoes and cook for another 2 minutes, or until they soften slightly.
  3. Add the fresh spinach, stirring frequently, until the spinach begins to wilt. This should take about 1-2 minutes.
  4. In a separate pot, heat the baked beans. Be careful to manage the heat to avoid burning the beans.
  5. For the toast, place the slices of bread on a grill rack or use a camping toaster. Toast until golden brown and crispy.
  6. To serve, divide the contents of the frying pan among plates, adding the baked beans and bacon on the side. Serve with toast, a generous helping of fresh berries, and orange juice on the side.


  • 4 slices of thick-cut bacon
  • 1 cup mushrooms, sliced
  • 2 cups fresh spinach
  • 1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved
  • 1 can baked beans
  • 4 slices of bread, for toasting
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
  • Fresh berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries) for serving
  • Orange juice for serving
Bacon and Beans Breakfast.png

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