Fruity Icy Pole

Fruity Icy Pole

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120 mins
icon to illustrate cooking time


720 mins
Fruity Icy Pole.jpg


  1. Add mango (Peeled and stone removed) and orange juice to a blender and blend for 10 seconds.
  2. Divide the mixture in half and spoon half into 10 ice block moulds. Refrigerate the other half.
  3. Top up the ice block moulds with a small amount of passionfruit and mix to combine. Insert icy pole stick in the centre, freeze for 2 hours.
  4. Mix the refrigerated mango mix with the Greek yoghurt in a mixer for 10 seconds (Or until combined).
  5. Spoon the yoghurt mix over the top of the frozen mango and passionfruit ice blocks.
  6. Freeze over night. Enjoy!


  • 4 Mangoes
  • 1/3 cup Orange Juice
  • 4 Passionfruit
  • 1kg Greek Yoghurt
  • Icy Pole Sticks
Fruity Icy Pole.jpg

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